Tuesday 6 March 2012


So I haven’t posted in months! I know! All excuses and set-backs aside, I’ve been having withdrawals!

I realise, that even though I’m not initially inspired, when I can find a way to expressed myself in words, the inspiration just starts flowing out of nowhere! And I find myself feeling inspired. I feel like I am making a mark and maybe, possibly inspiring another and that recharges me!
So I’m back in the "game" of blogging again. Probably won’t be able to post everyday.. but I hope to do so regularly at least – and I guess we’ll find out what that “regularly” means in this context over the next few weeks!!

So the topic for today’s post find itself in the heart and soul of this blog.
Being grateful.
Being grateful for the the big things
Being grateful for the small things.

I believe there is a security found in being able to be content with what we have and where we are at in life at this very moment. I don’t even get this right half of the time – but hey! That’s why I started this blog last year…

So simply put.. I am resurrecting this blog with a few random, yet oh-so-significant things that I am thankful for today:

Cold milo in a pink mug
My furry friends

Getting to spend my lunch-break at home with Neil Matthew Jackson!
Sweet sleep
A clean house
A full fridge
God understanding me best of all
A clean office
Rye bread
Very clever doctor people
Colour printers!
Blackberry messenger
The medical series "House"