Sunday 15 April 2012

Steamy-Creamy Butternut Soup...

"If you were to wake up tomorrow, having only those things that were were grateful for today, what would you have?"

A sobering thought shared with me by a friend over coffee yesterday.

To be honest, I've forgotten to be grateful for the blessings in my life. Even at this very moment, I am complaining to my husband about our slow internet connection...But we have just enjoyed big bowel-fulls of home-made steamy-creamy butternut soup - something to be IMMENSELY grateful for on this chilly autumn night.

My friend remarked yesterday as we discussed various difficulties in our own lives, that we need to "look for the good" - and constantly. When our gaze becomes fixed on all the negative feelings inside of us or the negative situations aroung us, we become misrable and lose hope...

Lord help me to acknowledge "every good and perfect gift" - big or small and to always be grateful.

What am I grateful for today??

That butternut soup that will probably last us another two meals!
My husband - he is 100%-man baby!! My hero, my help, my best friend!!
The internet - despite the slowness...
A warm bed..
Socks on my toes..
Hot chocolate..
My precious family - even though they're far away..
My sweet kitties
Vitamin C powder!!
Good friends
Woolies Gift Vouchers!

What are you grateful for?