Tuesday 22 November 2011

Looking for the good...and celebrating it!

“Find the good and praise it.” — Alex Haley

I realize it's not sufficient to simply acknowledge the good in our lives. It's easy to make a list of positive things about my tough week and forget about it. But it's another thing altogether to actually celebrate those things... to "praise" them.

What does that mean? 

To "find the good and praise it"?

My husband says it's a choice. To consciously shift one's focus to the positive things in one's life. The only negative things we focus on are the ones we actually have the power to change - the rest - we simply try not to dwell on. 

I still don't understand this fully. And I'm the first to admit that I allow myself to be consumed by the negative stuff. But I want to change. I want to shift my focus.

God help me.